Swimming Lessons
by Brad Rose
What are your favorite symptoms? No, you know me, I prefer matching eyebrows. Of course, like Sisyphus, on Wednesdays, I like to take it easy, because it’s all downhill from there. Just because I have slow hair and a never-look-back grin, doesn’t mean I’ve been toing and froing since the get-go. In fact, ever since I took swimming lessons at the Y, drowning deaths have been rising faster than bubbles in the Dead Sea. That’s a double standard, if you ask me, although Mr. Puggs tells me, it’s a limited-time offer. I’ve been so impressed by the rapid onset, I’ve been practicing the liar’s alphabet, and I’m already up to Q. If you look into it, quicksand doesn’t just happen in Hollywood, you know. Fortunately, like one big happy family, we’re all in this hot water together, so tell me, do you start off your breaststroke with your left foot or your right foot? Really? Good to know.
Brad Rose
Brad Rose is the author of five collections of poetry and flash fiction and the forthcoming volume, WordInEdgeWise. His blog is https://bradrosepoetry.com/blog
More: https://bradrosepoetry.com
Victor David thank you very much. It's always a pleasure to appear in Dog Throat Journal.
The separateness of the sentences goes well with the mild post-modern humor and adds a lilt to the end of each one. Nice poem.
Once again, the one and only Brad Rose sets us straight. I thought for sure quicksand just happened in Hollywood. Now that I know it doesn't, maybe I can pass by that way again. Thank you Brad!