Welcome to Dog Throat Journal, home of compelling short fiction and prose poetry by a variety of authors.

Our purpose is to provide readers with enjoyable, unusual fiction and to help authors promote their work, web sites, and books.

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Some selections from issue 2024.12


by Thomas Zimmerman

Death Valley 2

by Peter Cashorali


by Patrick Cahill

Night in Seattle

by Sarah Rohrs

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Table of Contents

by Cyn Kitchen, from issue 2024.06

Morning sun. Stinging blue. Slathered over the plowed field, waiting. Smells like fingertips after rain folding in sheets of collapse untethered from the sky. Sparkles perched on dew-tipped grass, each blade a story, an interruption. Masquerades as a bird crashing through undergrowth in search of spoil. That biblical sense of impending arrival that never comes, has already come....

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