Welcome to Dog Throat Journal, home to flash fiction and prose poetry by a variety of authors from around the known globe. We look to provide readers with throught provoking works from the edges of artistic expression, and to help authors promote their work, web sites, and books.
For submission information, see the guidelines. To read what's available, see issues.
Submissions are open for edition 2025.04.
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by CS Crowe
When they tore down the playground behind the gymnasium to make room for a new parking lot and the deep bowl of a holding pond, we, the sons and the daughters of...

by Mercedes Lawry
Plenty of ways she walks toward forgiveness, the evening pink, layered and still. She feels the trap of time, the sorting of past and present. Intention is often masked, the mask a...

by Thomas Zimmerman
a rainy dogwalk after two dry weeks so coats and pants all wet laid out like corpses in the entryway.keep thinking of our ornamental maple dead i killed it with a pruning...

by Peter Cashorali
A man who’s come back from the dead warns you that he may be a hallucination. This makes him seem very reliable. He tells you everything is balance, that there is an...

by Patrick Cahill
A dirt road enters a growth of trees. Beyond the trees an invisible fire scorches the sky. Just off the road a small windowless house trails a path of dust from road...

by Jeff Burt
His hands were like oars, paddles, things to make kayaks and canoes move through rivers, his fingers were not separate but joined, webbed, of a single construct with the palms, thumbs like...