Submission Guidelines
Submissions Are Closed Until Next Time
Dog Throat Journal looks for unusual, thought provoking flash fiction and prose poetry that you likely won't find in mainstream publications. We want your odd, your offbeat, your unconventional, your beautiful poetic prose. Strangeness is good, healthy. It allows us to see other points of view. We look for well crafted articulate pieces that make language dance, that speak to themes that outlive the moment, work that may contradict itself, just like human beings do, work that explores and exposes the mysticism of everyday life, work from the edges of artistic expression and freedom. We want work that rises above and defies genre.
Quick Details
- Submissions are made through our portal.
- One piece per submission period.
- Max 1000 words.
- Sim subs fine.
- Previously published not out of the question.
- Subs from anywhere in the known or unknown world welcome.
- English, please.
- Response within 40 days, usually sooner.
- Writers retain all rights to their piece. We get one time rights to publish selected works on our website indefinitely.
- No payment at this time, yet good deeds and exposure.
- To help promote a variety of voices, we don't publish the same author in two consecutive issues. If selected for publication, please wait one more issue to submit again.
One More Thing
If this essay by Federico GarcĂa Lorca, and this essay by D. W. White resonate with you, we may be on the same wavelength. We seek writing that takes risks and is propelled by dynamic, poetic language.
Thank you. If you have any questions, get in touch.
Victor D. Sandiego
Dog Throat Journal