
Dog Throat Journal
Dog Throat publishes three time a year: April, August, and December. If you would like to submit, check the schedule below. Also, make sure you've read the guidelines to get an idea of what we're looking for.

Submission Periods

Open Close Publication
February 1
March 17
April 1
June 1
July 15
August 1
October 1
November 14
December 1
Submissions open start of day (00:00 UTC), close end of day (23:59 UTC)

Submission System

To submit, you must have an account. It's easy. You can get started with your email address only. Once you've entered the submission system, please be sure to put your name in your profile.

Mailing List

If you'd like to receive updates, you can get on the mailing list using the button below. We don't share your email.