a rainy dogwalk after two dry weeks so coats and pants all wet laid out like corpses in the entryway.
keep thinking of our ornamental maple dead i killed it with a pruning too enthusiastic this past spring you don’t agree.
but now it’s football season stretched out on the sofa book of poems (Gary Snyder love his work) laid open on my chest i watch the Lions then the Saints the tv muted other music in my head.
my midday coffee midlife crisis not sure who i am or how i feel i worry that this doesn’t worry me.
in silent drizzle little yellow leaves are falling like confetti.
Thomas Zimmerman
Thomas Zimmerman (he/him) teaches English, directs the Writing Center, and edits The Big Windows Review at Washtenaw Community College, in Ann Arbor, Michigan, USA. He has been active in small press publishing since the 1980s.
Twitter: @bwr_tom
Instagram: tzman2012
More: https://thomaszimmerman.wordpress.com
Thank you, Thomas. An interesting short piece. The part of of which stands out for me the most:
Not to worry so let's worry about that….
Oh I just LOVE this!